Minggu, 21 November 2010


We realize, parenting mistakes are not born of ill parents. Love too, who lies behind the emergence of parenting that is too protective or too free. Problems arise when we do not have enough knowledge to express his love and saying correctly.

As a Muslim, it is important for us to examine how the prophets and apostles educate their daughter's son. Fragment of the prophet Abraham was told the story of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala slaughter his son, Ishmael, is one example.

"And when the child until (at the age could) tried with him, Ibrahim said:" O my son, I saw in a dream that I sacrifice. So think about what you think! "He replied:" O my father, do what is commanded thee, God willing, you will find me among those who steadfastly persevere. " (Surah As-Saafaat [37]: 102).

According to Nurul Hidayati Ustadzah, SS, MBA, many lessons that parents can take from there. The first lesson is love. "Subhanallah, what a prophet Abraham lovingly called her son 'Yaa Bunayya'. It calls for the most delicate child, "said Nurul.

Next is honesty. "So unfortunately Isma'il Ibrahim on but the truth must still be submitted that he was instructed by God to kill it," said Chairman of the PP Salimah this.

Not only that, Ibrahim even ask her opinion about God's command to kill it. "This is incredible, Ibrahim did not drown in his prophetic status. He did not say, 'My son, this father of the Prophet. Dad told nyembelih you, come here! "No!" Said Nurul. This is a lesson about respect for the child to think.

With the closeness of the values the parents of her baby will wake up. Ustadzah Wirianingsih said the proximity of children and the elderly orng are factors that must be considered.

"If in the formation of 0-5 years the child well cared for and have a good closeness with parents, in fact it will wake up automatically secra pattern," said the woman who was a speaker in a workshop on Muslim women and families in the Embassy in Washington DC, U.S. this last June.

The story of the life of Prophet Shollallohu 'alaihi wasallam also save valuable lessons about personal maturity. Father abandoned at birth must also be willing to lose his mother at an early age. The absence of parents still make it grow to be personally responsible for, among others, by herding sheep population of Makkah and trade into a far country as a teenager with his uncle.

So we no longer wonder, generations after the Prophet of Islam emerging young men who are able to conquer the world at their age still a teenager. Because, they live in a care full of love saying, responsibility and appreciation.

As Wirianingsih, "Islam was sent down not for one period, but all ages. Parents today should be a lot of reading and learning from history. "Then, imitate how the first Islamic generation, the youth, grown into a mature person, high-minded and willing to take risks.

Excerpted from the magazine 'Ummi'

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