Minggu, 21 November 2010


According to Nurul Annisa, Psi, clinical child psychologist from the Kancil, there are three ways to teach the parents that is usually applied, permissive, authoritarian and authoritative.

At permissive parenting, parents tend to always follow the will of the child and do not have strict rules. Authoritarian vice versa, so the child will enforce only follow the will of their parents.

nd the third type, the autoritatiflah the most good, in which parents provide clear rules but also provide the opportunity for children to express their will.

In applying the way of good parenting, Nurul member the following tips:

1. Give confidence and independence
Let the child decide his will and let him try to solve the problem alone. Once given the beliefs and choices, if they can not, then directed, not helped resolve the issue.
2. Compact in every business
Parents should Seiya one word. Do not talk A mother later but the father of B. This makes the child confused and have a justifiable reason justification of his attitude to one party. Mother and father debate on a matter should not be done in front of the baby.
3. Transmitted Agreement
The deal was not only between father and mother but also other family members such as grandfather, grandmother and brother. Explain to them how the rules at home and seek their participation in the run.

Ustadzah Wirianingsih tells Omar bin Khattab and how memperlekukan a child. Once upon a time there is a boy aged seven years, touring the village and said to the outspoken, "Where is the Caliph Umar, I want to talk." Looking at the boy's residents upset and wondered who he was as he feared the reaction of Umar.

Caliph who happened to pass by and hear, straight up to the boy. Keika face to face, the boy had raised his head high after staring at Omar. Immediately the two lines Umar lifted lip, smiled brightly and he immediately equate the position of his body parallel to the boy, Omar asked politely, without the slightest upset. "What is your need of God fighters?"

Umar actions that equate his height he talked with the children is a form of alignment status and understanding of thought. This is according to Wirianingsih as a way to build closeness between parent and child "No child who enters the world of parents, but on the contrary," said Save the Children Alliance General Chairman of Indonesia.

To be in harmony with Islamic values, the mother of 10 children penghafal Qur'an gives some solutions to educate the baby, namely:

1. Recommend love for Allah and His Messenger
Before you teach anything to children, introduce the notion of monotheism. Luqman As taught to their children (See QS. Luqman [31]: 13-19). So all the things that children do based on his love for Allah and His Messenger.

2. Vision and Goal Set Child
The boy was like a warm clay is easily formed. Parents are far-distant day can determine what their children want to be redirected. For example, a Muslim doctor. So the Upik childhood was introduced to the Qur'an, closing aurat, mathematics, biology and others. When in the middle of the road he wants to become a designer, it does not matter. Because, he already has a strong religious foundation.

3. Prepare for their age
Educate baby to welcome their age, not his time parents. Therefore, provision must also be more prepared than we have lunch first. Unfortunately, parents often selfish with his thinking and eventually handcuff the child.

4. Modeling Show
For a child, parents are the mirror that they can imitate. So the present exemplary good, as indicated Prophet of Ali and Ibrahim against Isma'il. A simple example, take the little prayer together, give their own mukena and prayer rug, and then let them join.

5. Acknowledge Feelings Children
When he was lazy or angry, father and mother do not need me-too angry. Acknowledge her feelings first. Aim for baby, after a quiet talk about why he acted that way. Then, the joint search for solutions.

6. Fitrah Honoring Parents
In didi every child is given a disposition to appreciate and respect the older people, especially parents. Therefore, make us as parents that should get it. How, first show how we appreciate and respect them, eg, not * with asking her angry.

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