Why divorce young couples getting high? Do not they have a father and mother as a role model? Whatever their parents do in educating him? Though the current generation has the higher educational level than their parents first.
It turned out that education does not guarantee their success, both in your career, social and even households. "Now a lot of educated people but not educated," said Elly Risman Musa, Psi.
Could be they are exposed to the 'virus' Peterpan Syndrome (PS) and Cinderella Complex (CC). That transmit the disease? Or just your own cause it to apply the wrong upbringing?

Recognize the symptoms of PS and CC
Pay attention to parenting your baby. Did he used to live a comfortable life, never charged at all home duties, even just to put things in place? His father and mother working hard to meet all the needs and wishes of children. Disturbed child friends, his mother intervened directly.
If yes, could be your children will grow up like Peter, he wanted to continue flying, playing and are afraid of losing childhood fun. 'Men behaving like adults but children. So a lot of the load, he was reluctant to grow up, "said Elly.
As a result, low self maturity. He became a person who does not like to work hard, can not make a decision, do not dare to bear the risk, and high dependence on others. His soul seemed paralyzed. But who incapacitate?
The biggest contribution is in how the parents care. Also the absence of fathers in the lives of children. My father is physically present, but absent emotionally and spiritually. "Children do not have role models, his brain did not ngeset be boys," said Elly.
Another with Cinderella Complex (CC). psychiatrist who introduced the term Colette Dowling was referring to the tendency perempuanuntk psychologically dependent, which indicated the presence of a strong desire to be cared for and protected other people especially men-and the belief that something of luarlah that will help him.
Knowingly or not, we have plunged the baby on parenting, reading or viewing sepertin fairy tale Cinderella, Barbie, and other princess, let him watch soap operas are selling a dream, without a briefing. Anyway, all that at the end of the story 'to meet a rich man, and They live happily ever after. "Secretly, fairy tales were recorded in the brain and some even up obsessed. Though it only exists in fantasy.
Later CC hidden fear of women to live hard and independently. He wants to be protected, rescued, and loved 'The Prince'.
Problem companion, usually a man who contracted the PS search for the type of women mothering, acts exactly the mother, attention and made him king aka capable of doing everything, from the determination of the belt, choosing socks, to pay for electricity.
Then, what would happen if the PS See you CC? Common complaint, "I want a divorce!" Answered Elly CC imitate speech female character. Especially if they do not have the basic religion, do not understand the meaning of marriage.
So the Wise Parent
It was during the time we do not member the opportunity to express opinions baby. "Anyway, do what Mama said," Let's look at the style of the Prophet Abraham 'Alahissalam hone critical thinking her son, Isma'il' upon whom be peace, we should make an example. "Ishmael, father dreamed must sacrifice. What do you think, kid? "
Do not follow the trend neighbors. Children busy these lessons, the parents forgot to fill his soul. Seto Mulyadi child experts argue, keluargalah the only school of love that act to develop positive character of children. Like, good manners, respectful, creative, spirit, and not easily discouraged. "Be a good role model for children, give hugs and love saying. Children are not miniature adults, they are happy to be himself, "said the man was familiarly called kak Seto.
Let the results of the Optimal Capital Embed
The foundation of religion became the main capital for parents in educating children. Instead, said Elly, they get an understanding of religion from their parents rather than teachers TPA.
Examples of parental explanation of the meaning of marriage? "You take this woman and you accept the man in the name of God. That rizkimu, he clothes. If he had torn a little. Not exchanged or replaced with new ones. "
Elly also deplore the parents less vigilant against the dangers of technology. They facilitate the blackberries in children but they can not use it. In fact, no signs of usage.
Ummi and Abi, let's talk about how to best care for the baby. Determine the goals to be achieved, for planning, executing, and evaluation. Culture father and mother looking for child care money, said Elly was not relevant. "It makes both of us, raised him alone too!" He asserted.
So, sit back husband in his chair. He is the leader and determinant of the outlines of the bow of the family. While women as a technical implementation unit. Yuk, sharing household tasks, including by children for their responsibilities. Prepare our children to be a father or a mother someday.
Imagine if we did not do the preparation before, suddenly asks for marriage, although experts in various fields, but not ready to be a wife, husband, let alone parents, Elly was sarcastic with accent, "lu Capital of the mane?"
Ingat ummi, lanjut ibu tiga anak ini, mengasuh buah hati terkait bagaimana orang tua memilih, menanam benih, membangun, dan membentuk kebiasaannya. Seperti sabda Rasulullah Shollallohu ‘Alaihi Wasallam, “Pilihlah perempuan yang baik untuk tempat manimu.” Sementara orang perempuan, sambung Elly, ke tiang rumah mana kamu akan ikatkan?